Current Events:
In April SPLASH is happy to be one of two art non profits invited to partner with Four Bridges Art man their Kids Zone art tables - SPLASH's youth artists artworks will be hung for exhibit and sale.

The Hunter Museum of American Art
hosts SPLASH weekly art class for the month of April. 2023

In-Town Gallery allocates exhibition space in their Northshore gallery for a month to exhibit and sell SPLASH youth artist" artworks. Jan-Feb 2023

Past Events:
Student Art Sale
Sunday, October 31st - at the Chattanooga MarketChamblis Law Center
July 27, 2019
Saturday 10am-3pm
SPLASH's family friendly Summer Arts Festival. Fun, food, crafts, art, singers, choirs, bands and buskers!
Oct 14 &15, 2017 - Oktoberfest
Sat/Sun 10am-8pm
Art of SPLASH kids will be on exhibit and sale at the CDM.
Oct 2017
Art of SPLASH kids will be on exhibit and sale at the CDM.
Jan-Dec 2017
SPLASH revolving Art Exhibit and Sale hosted by Courtyard Marriott, Hamilton Pl.
Oct 5-31, 2017
Art of SPLASH kids will be on exhibit in ground floor hall outside class rooms.
June-Sept 2017
SPLASH Summer Art Program
June 24, 2016 9am-7pm
Support free art classes for low income kids at Booth # 77
at the Chattanooga Chamber's 'Diversify'
SPLASH's summer Arts Festival
Miller Park, 928 Market Street, downtown Chattanooga.
Contact: (423) 320 6738
Chattanooga Market
First Tennessee Pavillion
Reggie White Blvd, Chattanooga,
TN 37408
Creative Discovery Museum
321 Chestnut St.
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Tel: 423 756 2738
Courtyard Marriott, Hamilton Place
2210 Bams Drive
Chattanooga 37421
10 Bluff View
Chattanooga, TN
See Class Schedule Pg for locations and times.
Event takes place 9am-7pm at:
The Chattanooga Convention Center
More info.